Wednesday, September 21, 2016


this is konny. 
we met on christmas almost two years ago.
since the moment i saw her, we have been inseparable. we have traveled the world together, from scotland to london all the way to fiji. we've climbed mountains together, watched hundreds of sunsets, captured tender moments and endured awkward photoshoots. i have spent more time with her than any friend i've ever had. our connection goes way beyond her super convenient wifi feature... not to mention, i could never repay her for all the amazing opportunities she has provided me with. 
unfortunately, two years of living the lifestyle of katie jane powell was just too much for her to handle and she is out of commission. 
it's ok konny, i understand, i would break too if i had to take so many pictures of katie powell. thank you for not breaking down on me in the middle of the wedding i have tomorrow. 
thanks for all the good times, RIP. <3

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