Wednesday, July 8, 2015


*cue love lockdown by kanye*

up close and personal with the ghetto of paris. still pretty if you ask me.

my cute family and crazy cousins

the real reason why we came to paris^^^

this is the weirdest thing to be writing about i went to paris…


let me tell you about it:

first of all, i think sometime people think that paris is a bit overrated especially after this
paris room deco/paris wedding theme/white girl obsession with paris surge. ya know.

but paris is SOOO not overrated. paris was everything that years of watching monte carlo and chickflick abc specials made me think it would be. our day in paris was probably the best day of my little life so far.

HAHAHA but taking a step back here… when you're in a beauty pagent and the interviewer looks at you and says "describe your perfect day".. you probably won't say "well first i'd wake up at 4:00 am and eat digestive biscuits for breakfast.. and maybe halfway through the day while i'm in the most photogenic city in the world i'd like to run out of space on my memory card(true story)"

ok so ya, maybe the day did have a few bumps.

but whenever things got rough, the best way to pick myself up, i found, was to look some poor tourist straight in the blinkers and yell "WE'RE IN PARIS"

that still works as a method of cheering myself up to this day.

anyway, back to dreamy touristy stuff…

first stop in paris was notre dame cathedral… i didn't catch any of the --- moving but it was still a interesting and beautiful cathedral… also, a pristine spot for people watching, may i add. i witnessed the police chase down a band of gypsy eiffel-tower-keychain-selling kids. the gypsy kids won, obviously.

is it weird that i was digging this statues hair??? whatever.

next we went to an art museum and although i'm not real familiar with art, i saw a lot of familiar paintings and statues and such. i mean i'm not a real art critic, but i actually kinda grew to love some of the artists especially manet and monet. oh and da vinci had some cool sketches too. me and him would be pals. i would be his nude model HAHA JUST KIDDING EVERYONE. but really, french artists do enjoy themselves a nice nude painting…ew. #fightthenewdrug #akafightfrenchartists

next we went to the one and only….EIFFEL TOWER
i climbed it guys
(elevator tickets are too expensive for poor tourists like us, obviously)
all 94583058 steps of it.
actually, if i ever live in paris, i think i'll climb that thing on leg day.

but even though the steps seemed to go on for eternity, it was worth it because with each step the view got better. i mean, paris is dreamy from the ground, just imagine how it looked 900 ft above ground? not to mention there was a slight drizzle which gave the city a nice foggy/dreamy/mysterious look. it reminded me of this song… skip to the end, you'll see what i mean. i feel you regina spektor.

when you're trying to take a cute picture but it's too windy

and there are too many tourists and so while you're waiting for them to pass you find your inner model

but then you finally give up and take it from the back

after the eiffel tower and lunch, (crepes, of course) we went on a bike tour of the city, which actually ended up being my favorite part of the day. maybe cause we had a hot australian tour guide, maybe cause i got to explore paris on a red beach bike…. maybe both.. who knows.

riding around paris actually kinda felt like a movie. at some points i was so happy i was on the verge of tears, which is actually kind of hilarious now that i think about it.
but guys.
does life even get better then that?

i've never felt more alive. it's the most amazing feeling when you dream about something for so long, and then it becomes a reality.
euphoria, you could say.

p.s. HAHA even though our guide was hot.. he overused the phrases "too easy", "nailed it", "no worries", and "good stuff".  i remember them all? well ya. that's how much he overused them (insert laugh emojis and maybe a heart one for good measure)
but it's ok, he could totally pull it off cause he was a hot australian man with gorgeous hair and a cool accent. plus he had all the koalafications. HAHAH (get it cause he's from australia) HAHA (insert more laugh emojis and a bunch of annoyed readers exiting their browser)

ok sorry i swear i'm done.

au revior


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