Wednesday, June 10, 2015

rain is a good thing

tonight was one of those crazy summer nights that i dream of when fourth quarter hits hard.

just me and my girls, doing the usual summer activities:

eating good food,
jamming hard in the minivan,
watching (or rather getting freaked out by) lightning on airport hill,
 plotting revenge on dumb boys that don't know better then to mess with my friends,
attempting to water balloon strangers that we thought were our friends (oops),
and watching chick flicks that we know will make us cry, just for the heck of it.

gosh i love my friends 

they're the sickest.

is that word still socially acceptable? was it ever? whatever.


katie jane

p.s. it rained harrrrrrd tonight.. hence the title. also, that song has been stuck in my head for like a week.
please send help.

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