Thursday, July 9, 2015

one year down, one year left.

this looks like one of those mini cakes that new moms give their little one year olds to stuff their face with HAHAHA

exactly one year ago today, my big brother ben left to go on his mission to tampico, mexico. 
so naturally, being the good little missionary family that we are, we had to celebrate.

this has been the fastest year of my entire life. i'm happy so about it because it means ben will come home sooner, but i'm also sad because, i mean, psh... who wants to grow up?!!

elder powell is straight killin it (preachin it?) in the mission field, and he recently became a trainer, as well as received the assignment to open a brand new area in the mission!

love you bin pal. keep takin all those churchy opportunities. 

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